Zac Adair of The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education: Five Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Launched My Business
By Ben Ari – Authority Magazine
Taking the risk to start a company is a feat few are fully equipped for. Any business owner knows that the first few years in business are anything but glamorous. Building a successful business takes time, lessons learned, and most importantly, enormous growth as a business owner. What works and what doesn’t when one starts a new business? What are the valuable lessons learned from the “University of Adversity”? As part of this interview series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Zac Adair.
Zac Adair is the founder and executive director of The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE), He ensures the proper feeding and caring of the growing outdoor and adventure education Industry. He accomplishes this by possessing more than two decades of outdoor industry experience.