The History of Wilderness Medicine and Why That Even Matters

By Todd Mullenix July 18, 2024

Wilderness Medicine

Wilderness medicine has been broadly defined as the provision of medical care when environmental conditions play a stronger role in decision making and interventions than the established systems of care.

It’s something we take quite seriously here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE). We also ensure that all of our field instructors, course directors, and other NCOAE staff hold current certifications in wilderness medicine. On top of that, we teach wilderness medicine courses ourselves.

Editor’s Note: See “What is Wilderness Medicine” here on the NCOAE Blog for a deep dive into defining wilderness medicine. 

Wilderness medicine students treating injuries on a lake shore.

The history of wilderness medicine as we know it today, is generally traced back to the 1980s and the emergence of the Wilderness Medical Society (WMS) in 1983. However, it has been in practice centuries earlier than that. In respect to Western Civilization, caring for the sick and injured in the field has its origin in early Greek and Roman societies. It has certainly been in practice for as long as human beings have been sailing the seas, exploring the world, and engaging in military operations.

Experts in the field of wilderness medicine universally agree that its continued evolution is (more…)

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AEE’s Podcast Highlights NCOAE’s Zac and Celine Adair

By Office Admin July 8, 2024


Like many podcasts that host informal chats with founders of businesses, organizations, and charities, Zac and Celine Adair recently offered listeners a glimpse into the heart and soul of their “baby,” The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE).

Zac and Celine, NCOAE’s co-founders, are showcased in Episode 15 of “It’s In the Experience,” presented by the Association for Experiential Education (AEE) and hosted by Sherry Bagley, AEE’s executive director. To listen to the 45-minute episode, which is titled Overcoming Challenges: Creating Positive Experiences in Experiential Education, subscribe to “It’s In the Experience” on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast App, or wherever you listen to podcasts. 

Or, you can listen to Overcoming Challenges: Creating Positive Experiences in Experiential Education by clicking on the audio file below:

Episode Highlights

Here’s a high-level overview of what’s featured in the episode, which was published by AEE in mid-June of this year: (more…)

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Backcountry Gourmet — Favorite Recipes from Our Field Staff

By Liz Shirley June 26, 2024

Wilderness Cooking

Here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) we like to take backcountry cooking to the next level, and that means teaching students how to prepare gourmet meals while on backcountry expeditions.

Whether it’s starting your day with a hearty breakfast, making a quick lunch wrap on the run, or preparing a veggie-filled dinner at the end of a long day hike, climb, or paddle, this post includes three backcountry recipes that might inspire you for the meals you’ll prepare and enjoy on your next adventure.

Backcountry cooking, making sandwiches on tables next to a river & gorge

Cooking in the backcountry doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavor or nutrition. In fact, with a little planning and creativity you can enjoy delicious, nutritious, and satisfying meals that fuel your human-powered outdoor activities. Our field instructors have crafted these recipes to be both easy to prepare and incredibly tasty, ensuring that your time in the backcountry is complemented by great food.

Heard, Chef! When you’re in the wild, having a variety of meals that are quick and simple to prepare can make a big difference in your attitude and overall experience. The three recipes below are designed to maximize flavor while minimizing cooking time and cleanup, allowing you to spend more time enjoying the great outdoors.

At NCOAE, we believe that good food is an essential part — in fact, a highlight — of any outdoor adventure. Not only does it provide the energy needed for strenuous activities, but it also brings people together, creating memorable experiences around the campfire. So, whether you’re a seasoned outdoor chef or a beginner, give these recipes a try.

Note: The following recipes are meant for groups of 12. Do the math and adjust for the size of the group for whom you’re cooking.

Backcountry Recipe 1 – Breakfast

Breakfast Burritos with Hash Browns

Young man cooking eggs for a back country breakfast


  • 3 Cups Scrambled Egg powder or 24 Eggs
  • 4 Cups Hashbrowns (dried)
  • Onion, diced
  • Bell Pepper, diced
  • 12 Tortillas
  • 1 Cup Salsa
  • 2 Cups Cheese
  • Salt & Pepper, to taste
  • Bacon Bits, optional
  • Ketchup packets, optional
  • Butter / oil

Directions | Instructions | Serves 12

  1. Mix eggs.  
  2. Add spices to taste.  
  3. Heat butter or oil in a skillet, then scramble the eggs.  
  4. Meanwhile, cover dried hashbrowns in a small pot with boiled water.  
  5. Let sit 5 minutes.  
  6. Once rehydrated, season with spices to taste.  
  7. Fry in a skillet with oil.  
  8. Once cooked, remove from skillet.  
  9. Sauté until softened.  
  10. Set out tortillas, eggs, hashbrowns, veggies, cheese, salsa, and any optional ingredients buffet style.  
  11. Build your own breakfast burrito and enjoy! 

Backcountry Recipe 2 – Lunch

Buffalo Chicken Wrap


  • 12 Tortillas
  • 4 pouches Chicken 
  • 12 pkgs Ranch Dressing or Blue Cheese
  • 12 oz Buffalo Sauce
  • 1 ½ Cups Carrots, sliced
  • 6 Cups Lettuce
  • 1 ½ Cups Shredded Cheese
  • Paprika, to taste
  • Garlic Powder, to taste
  • Salt, to taste
  • Hot Sauce, to taste
  • 6 Tablespoons Olive oil
  • 2 Avocados, sliced — optional 
  • Celery sticks — optional

Directions | Instructions | Serves 12

  1. Mix together olive oil, buffalo sauce, paprika, garlic powder and salt in a Ziploc bag. 
  2. Add chicken and allow to sit for 5- 10 minutes. 
  3. Meanwhile, place tortillas on a dish and spread with a thin layer of blue cheese or ranch dressing. 
  4. Layer with lettuce, carrots, avocado (optional), and cheese.  
  5. Next, arrange chicken down the center of each tortilla. 
  6. Wrap like a burrito. 
  7. Serve with a side of hot sauce, extra dressing, or celery sticks if desired. 

Backcountry Recipe 3 – Dinner

Riverside Stir- Fry

Team preparing onions and peppers for a backcountry dinner


  • 3 Cups Rice
  • 2-3 Onions
  • 4 Bell Peppers
  • 4 Cups Squash / Zucchini
  • 4 Cups broccoli
  • 2 Cups carrots
  • 1 bag Snap Peas
  • 1 can Baby Corn
  • 1 Cabbage
  • 1 Can Water Chestnuts, optional
  • 2 Cups Mushrooms, optional
  • 6 Garlic Cloves, minced (or garlic powder)
  • Ginger, minced (or ginger powder), to taste
  • 6 Teaspoons brown sugar
  • 1 Cup Soy sauce
  • 1 pkg Tofu, shelf stable
  • 4 pouches chicken
  • Chili sauce, to taste
  • Oil

Directions | Instructions | Serves 12

  1. Cook rice.
  2. Meanwhile slice onion, pepper, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, squash/zucchini, garlic, mushrooms, etc. 
  3. Sauté with olive oil about 5 mins.  
  4. Add soy sauce, brown sugar and other spices. 
  5. Continue sautéing until slightly tender.
  6. Separately sauté tofu and/or chicken. Stir well, cover 5 minutes. 

= = = = = = = = =

About the Author: Elizabeth Shirley, WFR, is the Director of Outdoor Programming & Education at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE).

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Advice: Starting an Outdoor Education or Adventure Program in Your School

By Stephen Mullaney June 11, 2024

Outdoor Education

In addition to working for The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE), I’ve had the good fortune to assist public, private, and charter schools in setting up outdoor education programs for the past 25 years. During that time, I’ve developed a few winning strategies for educators embarking on such adventures.

Some of my more successful programs have included launching a learning farm for a public school system with 32,000 students, transforming schools into outdoor learning labs as a model for a school district, and even helping former inmates return to the world beyond bars by diving deep into outdoor experiences. (You can learn more about some my school-related work by reading “Taking Learning Outdoors: Merrick-Moore Elementary” on The Great Trails State Coalition website.)

Students at an outdoor education program for NCOAE

None of these projects were easy, but they can be done. In this post, I offer insights on how to start an outdoor education or adventure program for your classroom or school. Let’s begin with planning and dreaming.

Have a Dream, Plan Your Work, and Work Your Plan

To successfully launch an outdoor education program, it’s important to start with a clear vision and follow a structured plan. Here’s an approach I’ve developed based on both my experiences and the wisdom of my mentors (more…)

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A Fresh Look at Spinal Injury Care in the Backcountry

By Todd Mullenix May 30, 2024

Wilderness Medicine

In wilderness medicine, the traditional response to a potential spinal injury has emphasized immobilizing the patient to prevent further injury. To this end, emergency responders have been trained to use advanced immobilization techniques and equipment, such as rigid cervical collars and spinal boards in conjunction with manual stabilization. 

And while nobody educated in emergency medicine would argue against the importance of motion restriction, the priority is shifting as doctors and emergency personnel consider it in the larger context of overall patient health and safety.

NCOAE students working on a mock spinal injury wilderness medicine training

Given the importance of the spine in a person’s overall health, the focus on immobilizing patients with suspected spinal injury is no surprise. The spine protects the spinal cord, which functions like a fiber-optic network to carry signals throughout the body to and from the brain. Interruptions in the continuity of the spinal cord can dramatically impact a person’s ability to move and to interpret and interact with the world.

However, over the last few decades, the medical community has acquired a vast body of evidence concerning care for a person with an obvious or potential spinal injury. As a result, recent years have seen a significant shift in thinking on this subject. The conversation regarding the extent to which a spinal injury is impacted by subsequent treatment and transport has evolved into a rather heated debate that’s (more…)

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Meet the NCOAE Student: Will Newman, Hybrid EMT Course Graduate

By NCOAE Headquarters May 20, 2024

Student Profiles

Shortly after graduating from The National Center for Outdoor and Adventure Education’s Intensive Hybrid EMT course, Will Newman began working for Pender EMS and Fire in Burgaw, North Carolina, as an EMT. He recently completed orientation and is eager to serve the rural communities of Pender County as a medical provider.

Will credits his instructors at NCOAE for their ongoing commitment to his success after graduation, highlighting one instructor in particular for their continued communication and help in securing employment at an EMS agency. He noted that the dedication of our instructors to their students’ success is what makes our EMT training programs so unique.

NCOAE graduates holding completion certificates
Will Newman (right) with high school friend, Riley Myer (left), who completed their NCOAE Intensive Hybrid EMT course at the same time.

Additionally, this North Carolina native continues to volunteer at the emergency department in nearby Scott’s Hill, where he has applied many of his new EMT skills. Will’s long-term goal is to attend medical school, and he plans to apply during the next application cycle.

NCOAE’s Ongoing Education Opportunities

If you’re wondering, the NCOAE 21-day Hybrid EMT certification course is as intensive as it sounds. It meets the eligibility requirements for the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians and offers reciprocity for state EMT credentials. The course includes 10 days of virtual instructor-led training and 11 days of hands-on practical skills training at our east coast location in Wilmington, NC.

As a pre-med student in college, Will was inspired to pursue his EMT credentials while volunteering at an emergency department. There, he observed EMS providers in action, sparking his interest in emergency medical services. Aiming to become a physician, Will believes working in a pre-hospital setting will help him become a strong patient advocate.

He acknowledges NCOAE EMT instructors David, Phillip, Kate, and Blake for bringing classroom instruction to life by integrating their personal emergency services experience with the course material. This dynamic approach enabled Will to quickly earn his credential and secure employment after graduation.

Will’s future opportunities at Pender EMS and Fire include joining the agency’s special operations teams, such as swift water rescue, for which he plans to apply once he gains more experience as an EMT.

If you’d like to have the kind of emergency service career that Will has, start with the NCOAE 21-day Hybrid EMT certification course. And if you’re planning on applying to medical school, read “Gaining the Clinical Experience to Get into Med School: EMT Training and Direct Patient Care,” here on the NCOAE blog.

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Wilderness Medicine: Accounting for Challenging Terrain

By Todd Mullenix May 8, 2024

Wilderness Medicine

When some hear the term “wilderness medicine,” they think of those rusty out-of-date First Aid kits that they used to carry with them on a personal hiking or camping trip. “As if that thing is going to do any good in an emergency.”  

In fact, to the average summer weekend outdoor enthusiast, wilderness medicine is limited to treating minor cuts, scrapes, bruises, sprains, bites and poison ivy. A major tragedy would be the occasional broken bone. But it has always been much more than that. 

To realize just how broad wilderness medicine really is, all you need to do is travel back to Antarctica in 1961. That’s when Russian explorer Leonid Rogozov suffered a severe case of appendicitis. Being the only medical doctor on site, he had to perform his own appendectomy. That’s among the extremes of what wilderness medicine is all about.

Rescuers in the Thailand cave rescue from 2018

More recently, the Thailand cave rescue shined the spotlight on wilderness medicine. Thousands of rescue workers and medical personnel, including Thai Navy Seals, the national police, doctors, and nurses, rallied to save 12 teenagers and their soccer coach, all trapped in a complex cave system by floodwaters during a heavy rain. Rescuers had to locate and extract 13 people, some of whom couldn’t swim, from a flooded, two and a half mile stretch of caves. 

The rescue tested experienced divers who struggled to navigate currents and squeeze through the narrow passages. Rescuers had to (more…)

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Educating the Educators to Ensure Safe and Satisfying Outdoor Adventure and Educational Experiences

By Cam Francisco April 22, 2024

Outdoor Education

When you’re planning a backcountry-based experiential educational experience for yourself or a child/teen, you want to be sure that the people leading the outdoor program know their stuff. Few things are scarier in life — or potentially deadlier — than being ill-prepared in the wilderness. 

To ensure safety and an enjoyable, fulfilling experience, outdoor educators and field instructors must be highly skilled in many facets of outdoor and adventure education, including the following:

  • Wilderness medicine
  • Map and compass navigation
  • Environmental stewardship principles and practices
  • Backpacking planning and packing
  • Wilderness shelters
  • Backcountry cooking, water purification, and food safety
  • Paddling techniques and boat safety (canoe, kayak, or raft)
  • Climbing
  • Leadership

One of the reasons we here at The National Center for Outdoor Adventure and Education (NCOAE) excel at delivering safe, enjoyable, and transformative outdoor adventures is that we educate our educators. We provide our field instructors with the training and opportunities to pursue the certifications they need to achieve best-in-class status.

Young campers standing outside lean-to in the woods

Field Instructors and Guides: There IS a Big Difference

NCOAE outdoor educators and field instructors are not just “guides.” They are experienced outdoor educators with a broad range of responsibilities that include the following: (more…)

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When to Call — or Not Call — for Help During a Wilderness Emergency

By Todd Mullenix April 11, 2024

Wilderness Medicine

In wilderness or the backcountry, bad things can happen to even the most experienced of adventurers. Truth is, most illnesses and injuries on the trail can be managed by the adventurer, or with the assistance of someone possessing some training in wilderness medicine

Of course, some injuries and illnesses do pose a threat to life or limb, and in other cases, the person — who for our purposes we’ll call our “patient” — may not even survive without professional medical intervention. It’s those situations in the grey area that leave many outdoor adventurers wondering, Do we call for help or not? You maybe conflicted for several reasons: pride or overconfidence, embarrassment or reluctance to admit weakness, misjudging the severity of the situation, concerns over medical costs, or perhaps you lack an effective means to contact emergency services.

As the ancient adage suggests: “He who hesitates is lost,” and the objective of this post is to equip you with the knowledge and insight needed to arrive at the right decision faster. Here, you will learn when to call for help, the type of help to call for, and the various means of communication you can use to call for help.

Important! Before embarking on any wilderness or backcountry adventure, leave your itinerary with a trusted individual, along with instructions to contact emergency personnel in the event that you fail to return or call on the scheduled date of your return. If you need a visual on how important this is, watch the 2010 film 127 Hours, which vividly illustrates the torment suffered by Aron Ralston, the rock climber who was forced to amputate part of his own right arm after it was pinned between rocks in an isolated canyon in Utah.

Deciding When to Call for Help In The Wilderness

When you or someone in your group suffers a serious illness or injury, toss your emotions aside and focus on the following factors in deciding whether or not to call for help: (more…)

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The Quintessential Backcountry Expedition Road Trip Playlist

By Stephen Mullaney March 15, 2024

NCOAE Recommends

You’ve probably passed us on the highway. We’re the weirdos with heads bobbing, playing air guitar and dashboard keyboard, shouting lyrics at the windshield, grinning from ear to ear on our way to the places that make us happy — the backcountry places where people go to play, challenge themselves, and connect with wilderness .

Once while sitting at a dead stop in a traffic jam, a woman hand-crank motioned me to roll down my window. She leaned out her window asked what I was listening to that made me ignore our current, static lack of movement.

Smiling guys sitting in the back of a van playing guitar on a road trip

Jack Drag! That was my shouted response over the Indie Pop music blaring from my speakers.

Music moves us, literally and figuratively; it becomes the soundtrack of our lives that most of us only realize when we look back decades later.

Working in the outdoor education sector of the outdoor industry means traveling. Sometimes you find yourself on a desert highway, traveling alone to meet your group, gas pedal depressed deep into the car’s carpet, speakers distorting because they can’t handle the volume. You stare out the window into the beautiful brown and green landscape, listening to your favorite band as the lead singer’s voice cracks through the air like a peal of thunder. And then you smile, knowing that at the end of the road you’ll be taking people into (more…)

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EMT Health and Fitness: How to Stay Physically Strong and Mentally Sharp

By David Bullard March 6, 2024

Emergency Medicine

It’s been my experience that emergency medical personnel — including Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) — tend to be much better at caring for others than for themselves. That’s generally the result of long shifts, life-or-death situations, and consistently helping people who are suffering the worst day of their lives. It’s going to take a toll. 

To compound the problem, those who work in emergency medicine often neglect their own health and fitness. They forgo exercise, reach for junk food because it’s often handier. Or they begin to seek out various substances to get through the day. These might include energy drinks during their shift so they can remain alert. Or maybe a drink or three when they’re off the clock to calm their nerves and help them sleep. 

Eventually, this unhealthy lifestyle catches up to them, negatively impacting their mood, energy, intimacy, and more.

Man in emergency medicine training checking for heartbeat withs stethoscope at NCOAE course

The multi-billion dollar a year health and fitness industry offers little in the way of relief for those in our field. And often overlooked is the overworked and stressed-out Emergency Medical Systems (EMS) shift worker.

If you’re a member of that demographic or you’re considering an EMT training and certification program like our Standard EMT, Hybrid EMT, or Wilderness EMT, don’t wait around in the hopes of that industry or even your own EMS unit will be reaching out to you. Make this your wake-up call. Now is the time to start focusing on your own health and fitness. 

Remember the lesson you’re taught when you board an airplane — put your oxygen mask on first before helping anyone seated next to you with theirs. In the same way, you need to focus on your own health first in order to be healthy and fit enough to assist others when they’re experiencing a medical emergency. And continue that health regimen so you are healthy enough to make a lasting career in emergency medicine.

In this post, I provide practical advice on how to restore and maintain your own physical and mental health and fitness over the long haul.

Manage Stress

Stress kills. We are all well aware of its negative impact on health, but what we need to realize is that a great deal of our stress is self-inflicted. After all, we’re the only ones who can (more…)

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The Value of Outdoor Education to Your Students and School’s Curriculum

By NCOAE Headquarters February 22, 2024

Outdoor Education

For as long as we can remember, private and independent schools have recognized the transformative power of experiential learning, and that’s particularly true when it involves outdoor and adventure-based activities. While all educators are trained and encouraged to seek innovative ways to engage students in their own education, private and independent schools have traditionally been more likely to partner with an organization like ours to create a custom outdoor program that reinforces their curriculum and culture.

Here at The National Center for Outdoor Adventure and Education (NCOAE), we assist all types of schools — including private and independent ones — to seamlessly incorporate outdoor and adventure-based experiential education into their curricula. 

Students standing in circle in clearing during NCOAE training

By exploring the benefits, practical considerations, and implementation strategies, we work closely with these schools to enhance their educational offerings. And when we succeed, we find we have awakened and nurtured a sense of adventure in their students. In addition, we have supported the development of well-rounded youth who are better equipped for success in academics, peer interactions, and the communities in which they live.

Benefits for Students

Participation in our highly customized and curriculum-based outdoor education programs contributes to higher student retention rates, higher grade averages, and positive changes in a student’s  “Five C’s” — Competence, Character, Connection, Confidence, and Caring.

At NCOAE, our custom programs for private, independent, and even open enrollment summer camp expeditions for teens are built on our Theory of Change: (more…)

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Evaluating Neurovascular Function in the Backcountry

By Todd Mullenix February 6, 2024

Wilderness Medicine

When it comes to emergency medicine — whether in an urban setting or the backcountry — swift and accurate assessments play a pivotal role in determining the severity and progression of an injury and deciding the best course of action. 

The decisions you make regarding treatment, evacuation, and transportation in cases of non-obvious threats to life and limb can determine not only whether someone lives or dies, but also their quality of life should they survive the emergency. After all, quality of life is a huge part of being alive. And a beating heart with minimal brain activity doesn’t always meet a person’s definition of “living.”

The National Center for Outdoor and Adventure Education (NCOAE) is a leading provider of wilderness medicine education and certification, and in this post, we’re taking the time to introduce you to the process of evaluating neurovascular function to determine the extent and progression of an injury. By doing so, you can make well-informed treatment, evacuation, and transportation decisions when responding to a medical emergency, no matter the origins of the incident.

Understanding What a Neurovascular Assessment Entails

A neurovascular assessment is a collection of tests used by medical clinicians, including emergency medical personnel such as Wilderness First Responders and Wilderness EMTs, to determine whether someone is suffering nerve damage or impaired blood flow. Neuro refers to anything related to the body’s nervous system, and vascular refers to anything related to the body’s blood vessels. Neurovascular function encompasses the interplay between the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and blood vessels that supply oxygen and other vital nutrients to organs, limbs, and tissues. Any disruption of this intricate balance can lead to severe consequences ranging from impaired cognition to more severe conditions such as stroke or the loss of a limb.

Neurovascular status can be determined by simple tests of the following three functions: (more…)

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Exploring 2024 Summer Camp Experiences for Teens

By NCOAE Headquarters January 25, 2024

Summer Camp

It’s that time of year — from mid-winter to early spring — when teens, parents, and others are asking for recommendations about fun, educational, and enriching summer camp experiences and outdoor adventures for late-May, June, July, and August. 

With all of the outdoor options available, finding the right summer camp experience can pose a formidable challenge. First off, you need to narrow your choices down to one of three broad categories: day camp, residential camp, or virtual camp. 

From there, you need to choose a focus, such as outdoor adventure, academic enrichment, arts and crafts, sports (football and soccer camps, for example), or performance arts (such as ballet or theater). And, at some point, you’re going to need to choose a location, perhaps in the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, or North Carolina.

Young backpackers walking through the backcountry with NCOAE

In this post, we tell you about three upcoming opportunities for you to personally meet with experienced summer camp leaders — including our staff at The National Center for Outdoor and Adventure Education (NCOAE). These summer camp specialists will provide you with information about the benefits of leadership-focused summer camp experiences for teens who have an appetite for camping, rock climbing, mountaineering, white water rafting, and other human-powered outdoor adventures.

2024 Teen Summer Camp Expos

If you’re shopping for an outdoor adventure this summer for your teen, consider attending a summer camp fair near you. This year (2024), NCOAE will be exhibiting at three camp fairs — two in North Carolina and one in Georgia:

  • Wilmington Parent Magazine’s 21st Annual Summer Camp Fair: This is the only event of its kind in the area, providing families with a unique opportunity to explore the summer camp and enrichment options available to their children during summer break.
    Date: Sunday, February 11, 2024
    Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
    Location: Elks Lodge, 5201 Oleander Drive, Wilmington, NC
    For more info, visit: Wilmington Parent Magazine’s 21st Annual Summer Camp Fair 
  • Triangle Summer Camp Expo
    Date: Saturday, March 16, 2024
    Time: Noon to 3 p.m.
    Location: Wake County Shrine Club, 6015 Lead Mine Road, Raleigh, NC
    For more info, visit: Triangle Summer Camp Expo 
  • Atlanta Camp Fair
    Date: Sunday, March 17, 2024
    Time: Noon to 3 p.m.
    Location: Agnes Scott College, 141 East College Avenue, Decatur, GA
    For more info, visit: Atlanta Camp Fair

Appreciating the Benefits of Leadership-Based Summer Camp for Teens

Accredited adventure-based experiential and outdoor education companies like NCOAE offer leadership-based summer camps that provide a unique opportunity for teens to develop technical outdoor skills along with personal competencies in the following four areas: (more…)

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What Is Wilderness Medicine?

By Todd Mullenix January 15, 2024

Wilderness Medicine

When the average person encounters the term “wilderness medicine,” they typically assume it is referring to the practice of medicine in a remote or harsh environment with little to no access to medical equipment or supplies. 

They may imagine a scenario of providing CPR to someone who suffered cardiac arrest during a whitewater rafting adventure or creating a splint out of a branch and a few strands of twine to help a hiker with a sprained ankle become ambulatory. 

While these notions of wilderness medicine aren’t far off the mark, they are limited. In other words, close but no cigar. It’s all the above and more, which makes it a challenge to come up with a clear and comprehensive definition. 

Teaching Wilderness Medicine at NCOAE

Here at The National Center for Outdoor Adventure and Education (NCOAE), our wilderness medicine courses begin with a discussion of what wilderness medicine is, as well as what each student hopes to learn from the course. Often, these discussions elicit points of discussion that require an even broader definition of the term.

NCOAE group taking a wilderness medicine course

While there’s no universally agreed upon definition of wilderness medicine, certain components set it apart from non-wilderness medicine. For the purpose of this blog post, let’s begin with the following definition:

Wilderness Medicine is provision of medical care when environmental conditions play a stronger role in decision making and interventions than the established systems of care

Wilderness Medicine encompasses not only the treatment of injuries and illnesses in these settings but also includes preventive measures, survival skills, and the management of environmental hazards such as extreme weather, hazardous terrain, and wildlife encounters.

Wilderness medicine skills and techniques can be applied in a variety of setting, including but not limited to: (more…)

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NCOAE’s 2024 Camping and Outdoor Adventure Gear Improvement Guide

By Stephen Mullaney January 5, 2024

Outdoor Equipment

From November 1st to the end of the year, you’ll be bombarded with advertising, discounts, and announcements of “shopping holidays.” In the winter months, you’ll find all sorts of sales on camping and backcountry clothing and gear, as retailers clear out their 2023 stock and announce new products for the spring and summer. 

And if you’re looking for the perfect gift for yourself or your loved ones who spend lots of time outdoors, you can find plenty of Shopper’s and Buyer’s Guides to consult for ideas.

This is not any of that.

Collection of outdoor gear, including jackets, medical equipment, and backpacks, for 2024

In this post, we do not steer you toward specific camping or outdoor adventure products or brands. In fact, depending on your situation, our advice may inspire you to shed some gear. The ultimate objective is to accumulate gear that makes your human-powered outdoor experiences more awesome than ever without spending so much money that you can’t afford to go anywhere!

Gear Up with a Leave No Trace Mindset

Leaving no trace in the backcountry doesn’t only apply to the seven principles of Leave No Trace (LNT). It begins with how we buy, use, and consume only what we need when engaging with the outdoors. Buying the latest, greatest outdoor clothing and gear each year runs counter to that philosophy. In addition, if you’re on a limited budget, it reduces the funds you have available to take (more…)

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Spinal Immobilization or Spinal Motion Restriction: Which is Safest?

By David Bullard December 11, 2023

Emergency Medicine

For decades, spinal immobilization (SI) has been the standard practice when moving trauma patients with potential spinal injuries. Indeed, this particular procedure has long been commonplace for patients injured in the backcountry. Spinal immobilization involves the use of various devices, including a long spine board (LSB) and a cervical collar to stabilize the spine and prevent further injury.  

Patient on a long spine board practicing for spinal immobilization in the backcountry.

However, recent research has called this practice into question. In fact, while current techniques limit or reduce undesired motion of the spine, they do not succeed in fully immobilizing the spine. For this reason, the term “spinal motion restriction (SMR)” has gained favor over “spinal immobilization.” 

Both terms refer to the same concept — minimizing unwanted movement of the potentially injured spine. However, while LSBs have historically been used to attempt spinal immobilization, SMR may be achieved using a scoop stretcher, vacuum splint, ambulance cot, or other similar device to which a patient is safely secured.

The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) defines the term “spinal immobilization” as the use of adjuncts (LSB, cervical collar, etc.) to prevent movement of the spine. The term “spinal motion restriction” is defined more broadly as attempting to maintain the spine in anatomic alignment and minimizing gross movement — irrespective of adjuncts.

Evaluating the Efficacy of Spinal Immobilization

The effectiveness of the LSB to prevent further trauma to the spine has never been proven in high-level trials. Its use was adopted largely by consensus and not driven by data from any formal studies. An extensive literature review on the history of not using the LSB as a tool concluded that it is ineffective and may be detrimental by delaying time-sensitive treatments for some patients.

A study published by Cambridge University Press examined patient outcomes over a decade during which Emergency Medical Service (EMS) systems decreased backboard use as they transitioned from SI to SMR protocols. The study included (more…)

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Leadership Skills & Personal Development are Backcountry Bonuses at NCOAE

By Liz Shirley November 30, 2023

Outdoor Education

Editor’s Note: Today’s post is the 250th since we launched our blog in December of 2013. And what better way to mark the occasion than by publishing a post about the efficacy of outdoor and adventure-based experiential education. Thank you to everyone who has been along for the ride so far. From our writers and editors to our readers and those who choose to share our posts, we appreciate the opportunity to share our expertise and experience and we look forward to continuing to do so for many years to come.

Leadership Skills, Personal Development are Backcountry Bonuses at NCOAE

By, Elizabeth Shirley, WFR, NCOAE Director of Outdoor Programming & Education

For those of us who work in adventure-based and experiential outdoor education, it’s pretty much a given that backcountry, expedition-style experiences can set students up for success in life, sometimes well beyond the expedition itself. Whether these wilderness experiences include the mountains of Alaska, the rivers of the Pacific Northwest, or the coast of North Carolina, outdoor education expeditions offer an opportunity for meaningful life experiences. 

In fact, backcountry courses  planned and expertly guided by The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) are intentionally designed expeditions, with a focus on leadership and personal development that goes hand in hand with learning or improving technical outdoor skills and environmental science.

The term “empower” has become a trite and ineffective word in today’s world, much like a father telling his son, “I empower you to mow the lawn.” However, there are numerous occasions during an NCOAE wilderness expedition where students are offered a variety of opportunities to step into leadership roles while in the field.

These assignments include serving as a Leader of the Day — a student charged with making sure the group stays on task and on the trail, utilizing a map and compass. The Cook of the Day guides the assigned expedition members in the preparation of meals and the subsequent cleanup. And the Gear Crew helps the group set up camp, position bear hangs, collect water, and more. Students also participate in a variety of (more…)

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Meet the NCOAE Student: Tina Haver Currin, WEMT

By Allie Hilbruner November 20, 2023

Student Profiles

Tina Currin’s dance card remains full after completing our 27-day Hybrid Wilderness EMT course this past March. For starters, Tina is currently wrapping up the Triple Crown of American long-distance hiking. In fact, she’s about 1,600 miles into the Continental Divide Trail, which runs the length of the Rockies — from Canada to Mexico.

NCOAE graduate Tina Currin hiking along the Continental Divide Trail

“I should be done in about a month, by which point I’ll have hiked more than 10,000 miles on National Scenic Trails across the USA,” she recently told us. We should note that traversing the Divide isn’t the first of her long-distance backpacking rodeos. Tina’s also tackled the Appalachian & Pacific Crest Trails, as well as major trail systems in Arizona, Florida and throughout New England.

Depending on the season, Tina is a freelance writer, National Park Service (NPS) Ranger, and a long-distance backpacker. She’s worked as a ski liftie, spent a summer season guiding cave tours, and organized large-scale charity events and bike races.

Professionally, Tina has created content for the NPS’ social media accounts and currently contributes articles to She also writes blog posts and conducts product testing for Hyperlite Mountain Gear and Nashville Pack and Equipment Company. And she occasionally contributes what she terms “grainy photographs” to Outside Magazine.

Why Tina Chose NCOAE’s W-EMT Course

So, with a schedule that makes her feel “like a strange assemblage of a zillion somewhat-related skills stuffed inside a hiker’s body,” why did this backcountry wonder carve out a full month of time for NCOAE’s intensive W-EMT training program?

Tina said the reason she signed up for the (more…)

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NCOAE Garners Prestigious ‘Organizational Member of the Year’ Award from AEE

By NCOAE Headquarters November 10, 2023


In the world of outdoor education and adventure-based recreation, there are shining stars that not only inspire peers with their reputation but also for setting the bar high for industry best practices. And here at NCOAE, we operate as if we’re one of those shining stars — not at the exclusion of anyone else, but to push ourselves to be the best we can be. 

As a result of our, The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) has been named the 2023 Organizational Member of the Year by the Association for Experiential Education (AEE).

Zac Adair with the 2023 Organization Member of the Year award from Association for Experiential Education

This prestigious honor comes as a result of developing and maintaining innovative programming at continuously high levels, including high ethical standards in our operations and programming, and being a supportive association member.

AEE the Organization

If you’re unfamiliar with AEE, it’s a well-respected and influential organization in our sector of the outdoor industry, that has been honoring organizations for their contributions for nearly a half century. NCOAE now joins the ranks of renowned organizations such as Deer Hill Expeditions, Thompson Island Outward Bound, Prescott College, and Project Adventure — all previously recipients of this accolade.

The St. Petersburg, Florida-based association, which was previously headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, is a (more…)

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