222 results for "NCOAE curriculum "


Applying the Principles of ‘Leave No Trace’ to Daily Life in an Urban Setting

…What is Leave No Trace? The idea behind Leave No Trace is to embrace specific wilderness stewardship values in order to protect our backcountry areas for generations to come. Back in the early 1940s, Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the world Scouting movement, said, “Try and leave the world a little better than you found it.”…

A group of people posing in front of a car in the woods.

Outdoor Education News

New Research Focuses on The Impact of Face Time Versus Screen Time

…According to research we’ve recently discovered, children ages 8–18 now spend seven-and-a-half hours a day, seven days a week, using screens outside of the classroom. Those ages 12–17 use their phones to text message on a daily basis more than any other form of communication, including face-to-face interactions with peers, parents and others in their…

A group of friends sitting in front of a tent.

Wilderness Cooking

Gourmet Cooking on the Trail: Here’s What You’ll Need to Pack

…Some veteran backpackers claim the only time a heated can of Dinty Moore stew tastes delicious is when eaten outdoors, but today there are many quick and easy ways to pull together a gourmet meal from what you can grab out of your backpack. The trick is knowing what to pack! Truth is, we here…

A group of people sitting around a campfire in the woods.

Outdoor Education

Managing Backcountry Rain by Adopting an Expedition Mentality

…If you asked me to list the attributes that allowed Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Trans-Antarctic Expedition (1914-1917) to survive more than a year stranded in Antarctica, I point to characteristics like leadership, adaptability, teamwork, ingenuity, and perseverance.  What Shackleton and his men employed was a mindset that intentionally embraced a set of values and behaviors that…

A man with a backpack is standing in front of a mountain.

EMT Training

Meet the EMT Students: Colleen and Justin

…There’s good reason why we precede our three-week Hybrid EMT course with the word “Intensive.” And that’s because our 21-Day “Intensive” Hybrid EMT course enables students to satisfy eligibility requirements for the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) and North Carolina State EMT examinations in an expeditious manner. Our course includes 10 days of…

Two people standing next to each other holding a certificate.


Discover Solace in the Outdoors After Months Isolating Indoors

…You sit. The clock is ticking. You hear only the clock. And all the stress and anxiety vanish. Solace. Laughing with friends around a backyard campfire on a Friday night. Distant traffic and an occasional train whistle provide the soundtrack. The weight of the week disappears. Solace. Sitting quietly on a rock on Day 20…

A man sits on top of a mountain overlooking a lake at sunset.

EMT Training

Signs That an Intensive EMT Training Course Might be Right for You

…Intensive is one of those words that, when you say it out loud or write it down, sounds foreboding or, as the word itself suggests, promotes a feeling of tenseness. However, when we talk about completing an intensive EMT training course here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE), the word is…

A group of people sitting on a blanket in a park.


Inspiration Through a Journey of Exploration — Part Three: Outdoor Magazines

…As you’re probably already aware, outdoor magazines such as Bike, Surfer, Powder and Snowboarder have all shuttered their windows and shut down their presses. So now what? Where do you turn for some real human-powered and adventure-based outdoor and journalism? And by journalism, we’re not talking about tweets, posts, and pieces written in and curated by…

Alpinist, adventure cyclist, alpinist, alpinist, alpinist, alpinist, alpinist, alpinist.


2015 Holiday Hours and How To Make a Year-End Donation

Those of us who work here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) are taking some time off for the holidays this week and next, and we’re also taking this last-chance of-the-year opportunity to seek donations, gifts and volunteer time from our partners and friends. First, we want to tell you about…

A red alarm clock with red berries on a wooden table.

EMT Training

Jump Start Your Outdoor Education or Emergency Medicine Career with EMT Training

…For those of us who work in the fields of outdoor and adventure-based experiential education and/or emergency medicine, the importance of professional medical training cannot be dismissed as merely “class time.” While it’s true EMT training and certification may not be a requirement for many backcountry jobs or outdoor education positions, possessing certification for EMT…

Two men shaking hands in a classroom.

Outdoor Education

Wilderness Problem Solving Often Requires Response to a Question

…It’s the end of a long day trekking through the backcountry. Tents are being set up, water is being collected and brought to the campsite and everyone is tired and hungry. A conversation ensues: Student: The stove won’t light. Instructor: Okay. Student:  Should we fix it? Instructor: Do you need it to cook dinner? Student:…

A person pouring food into a pot in the woods.


Celebrating 100 Years of North Carolina State Park History

…North Carolina’s more than 40 state parks are sharing a centennial anniversary with the National Park system this year, all offering an enormous amount of biodiversity and geographical features to explore. The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education’s (NCOAE’s) world headquarters and home campus is located in Eastern North Carolina, which has amazing biodiversity…

North carolina state parks logo.

Education Without Walls

Three-day Paddle Out to Masonboro Island is this Weekend

…Some lucky eighth- and ninth-graders are heading out for a three-day expedition to the remote and undeveloped Masonboro Island near Myrtle Grove, N.C., this weekend, joined by a pair of instructors and a course director from here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education. The eight youngsters are from the Wilmington, N.C., area…

A sunset over a body of water with reeds and ducks.

Campfire Conversations

Everything You Need To Know About Choosing Women’s Outdoor Gear

…There was a time, not so long ago, that when it came out outdoor recreation gear, apparel and accessories, women were told one size fits all. “You there, young lady! I understand you need a backpack for a serious wilderness expedition? No problem. See that one over there that Jonathan is trying on? That’s the…

A flyer for campfire conversations.

Wilderness Cooking

From Belly to Brain, Cognitive Shifts in the Backcountry

…During our latest Instructor Candidate (IC) course, I had the opportunity to witness one of the most beautiful shifts in group dynamics I’ve seen in a long, long time. Our instructor candidates had just finished two days of challenging climbs — made all the more difficult by torrential rains, equipment challenges and late — very,…

A pizza is being cooked on a camp stove.


Outdoor Education News Roundup

…The Outdoor Education industry is abuzz with news this time of the year. What with school almost back in session and the industry’s largest and most influential conferences coming up in just a few months, its no wonder there’s so much outdoor education news to catch up on. In no particular order: There’s a new…

A newspaper with the words extra extra on it.

Land Management

Pivoting on Climate Change

…Most libraries and bookstores offer up books in the science and nature section that address climate change, with titles that range from “Hot Hungry Planet” to  “Climate of Hope.” Many of these books focus on global warming, polar bears in the Arctic, flooding and other environmental crises on continents around the world. However, for those…

A group of people holding signs at a protest.


The Three Bears: Part 2 — Some Confrontations Can Be Humorous

Editor’s Note: In this, the second installment of “The Three Bears,” we’ll hear from NCOAE staffer Stephen Mullaney tell yet another true tale about confrontations with bears. In this post, he’ll attempt to find the humor in a persistent bear taking up quarters in an NCOAE camp late at night. But let’s let Stephen tell…

A black and white illustration of a bear with mountains in the background.
A group of kids shooting a water hose from a raft.

Find Your Expedition

A person on a stretcher being pushed by an EMT into an NCOAE vehicle.

Find Your Training

A young boy hiking.

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