356 results for "NCOAE curriculum "

Custom Programs

An NCOAE Instructor Reflects on a Trek Among the People and Summits of Nepal

Editor’s Note: Stephen Mullaney, NCOAE’s lead instructor, recently returned from our first-ever program abroad — an expedition to the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. Stephen led a group of South Korean high school teens on a six-day expedition through portions of this mystical and spiritual country. Below are his reflections on what he describes as…

A snow capped mountain with trees in the background.

Risk Management

Hurricane Florence Turns NCOAE Staff into Storm Troopers

…Say what you will about global warming, climate change and other hemispheric anomalies, but there’s no question in anybody’s mind that a Category 4 hurricane is making a direct bullseye run at Wilmington, N.C., and The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) headquarters facilities. The good news is that our staff have all…

The back of the van is open.

Student Profiles

Meet the Student: Gordon Harrison III

…If Gordon Harrison’s name sounds familiar to you, that likely means one of two things: You either know him personally or you’re a fan of the water sport known as wakeboarding. David “Gordon” Harrison (the third) recently graduated from one of our 19-Day ‘Intensive’ EMT-Basic training courses. And as you probably figured out by now,…

A young man smiling in front of a wooden fence.

Teen Expeditions

…As you enter or continue high school, extend your learning beyond the classroom on one of NCOAE’s teen expeditions….

A group of teenagers on a backpacking expedition.

Training & Certifications

NCOAE Receives Approval for EMT-Basic Training

We’re pleased to announce that The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) has received approval from the State of North Carolina and the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services to offer an intensive 19-day EMT-Basic training. And what that means to anyone interested in securing their EMT-Basic credentials is that within three…


Wilderness Medicine Training

Op-Ed: Has the Time Come to Standardize Wilderness Medicine Education and Training?

…There is no shortage of wilderness medicine education providers in this country. From organizations that offer education and training for Wilderness First Responder (WFR) and Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certifications to those that offer train-the-trainer programs, a simple online search reveals a ton of options — especially when the search is focused on a specific…

A group of people assisting a person in the woods.

Outdoor Industry

Hands-on Training is the Key to a Career in the Outdoor Industry

…For anyone interested in a career in the outdoor education, adventure programming, and guiding sectors of the outdoor industry, there are many trails to reach your destination. Among these are university recreation programs, internships, seasonal employment and more.  Not all pathways in this wide and diverse industry necessarily require a recreation-specific degree. However, an associate’s…

How to get an outdoor industry job.


Cheers to You and Us!

…As 2016 comes to an end, we’re honored to take a moment out from our end-of-year activities to say thank everyone for their continued support and encouragement of The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE). When our founders Zac & Celine Adair started this organization in 2009, their mission then for NCOAE was…

A woman sits in front of a green tent in the woods.

EMT Training

NCOAE’s EMT Training Opens the Doors to Jobs Across the U.S.

…Applicants to our nationally renowned EMT training courses often ask us if they can taketheir new EMT credentials to the state where they live, and the answer is mostly yes.The National Center for Outdoor and Adventure Education’s (NCOAE) campus islocated in North Carolina, where we offer 21-day “Intensive” EMT-Basic and 23-day“Intensive” Advanced EMT training courses…

A group of people laying on a blanket with a person in a mask.

NCOAE Curriculum

Here’s Why We Love Logan LaPlante, And Why You Should Too!

…After recently watching 13-year-old Logan LaPlante discussing his concept of learning during a TEDx (Technology, Entertainment, Design) event in Nevada, our co-founders Zac and Celine Adair jokingly said they want to adopt this self-proclaimed hacker of education. Young Logan spoke before an audience at the University of Nevada last February, where he discussed the disconnect…

Staff Profiles

A Tip of Our Cap to the Wilderness Medical Society

…One thing we don’t do here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education is work within a vacuum. We depend heavily upon many organizations that went before us or that help us realize our mission and full potential. Today, we’d like to shine the light on one of those groups that works behind…

Wms logo with mountains and trees.

NCOAE’s Zac Adair Featured in ‘Extraordinary People’ Segment

…A North Carolina television news station has run a colorful three-minute segment called “Extraordinary People,” that highlights our very own co-founder and executive director, Zac Adair (video footage from the segment appears at the end of today’s post). Daniel Seamans, evening anchor correspondent for WWAY TV3, put the cameras on Zac and The National Center for Outdoor…

The logo for wway 5 extraordinary people.


It’s Official — NCOAE Receives AEE Accreditation!

…After years of hard work and preparation, we are pleased to share that we’ve been accredited by the Association for Experiential Education (AEE) — a Boulder, Colorado-based not-for-profit organization, with roots in adventure-based education, that exists to connect the global community of outdoor educators and expand our collective capacity to enrich lives through experiential education….

A green stamp with the word aee on it.


How a Hotel Parking Could Lead to NCOAE Establishing a Pacific Northwest Location

…It’s not often that we derive inspiration while standing in the middle of an overcrowded parking lot, but for our co-founder and executive director Zac Adair, it was in just such an unlikely setting that the notion of opening a Pacific Northwest location for NCOAE took hold. This idea came to mind during a recent…

A mountain in the background.

Staff Profiles

Get to Know Us: Julius McAdams, EMS Program Director

…Back in December of last year, we asked key NCOAE administrative and field staff to share some of the things for which they were most grateful. Those gratitude’s, as they’ve become to be known around here, comprised our year-ending blog post for 2018. And if you read that post, you may recall that today’s featured…

A group of people sitting on a picnic table in a wooded area.

NCOAE Recommends

As Traditional Recycling Programs Disappear, NCOAE Seeks Alternatives

…It’s only been a year and a half since China put a halt to accepting the world’s recyclable waste products, yet the effects are being felt in many countries — and in turn, local municipalities — that are scrambling with the challenge of dealing with their own recyclables, including cans, plastics, papers, and glass. When…

A green recycling logo with the words reuse and recycle.

Custom Programs

NCOAE Now Offers Custom Programs

…We’re not sure who said it first but the person who coined the phrase ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ really was onto something. Whether it’s in education, hats, management, or financial services, one size doesn’t fit all, and the same goes for your employee training and teambuilding. That’s why we’re pleased to announce the launch…

A black and white logo with a diamond in the middle.

Raft Guides

We are currently hiring both experienced and first year raft guides for our upcoming whitewater rafting season on the Deschutes River….

A raft guide overlooking students on a raft.

Part-Time EMT Instructor

Our emergency medicine instructors have a passion for teaching the next generation of emergency medicine professionals….

A group of people pushing a person on a stretcher.

Great Outdoor Provisions Co. Taps NCOAE for ‘Campfire Conversations’

…It must have been about a year ago that we first wondered aloud if it’d be possible to put our backcountry knowledge and experiences on display for the benefit of the folks in our local community. As a national organization, we tend to think and operate big (visit our website and you’ll find NCOAE courses…

Great outdoor provision co.
A group of kids shooting a water hose from a raft.

Find Your Expedition

A person on a stretcher being pushed by an EMT into an NCOAE vehicle.

Find Your Training

A young boy hiking.

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