222 results for "NCOAE curriculum "


Get To Know The NCOAE Brand Mark

…If you look atop our website, you’ll see a unique diamond-shaped icon to the left of our organization’s name, and that new brand mark is, well, brand new to us. The name “brand mark,” by the way, is just another fancy way to say “logo,” and we’re really happy to tell you how we came…

A black and white logo with an o in the middle.

Training & Certifications

NCOAE Receives Approval for EMT-Basic Training

We’re pleased to announce that The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) has received approval from the State of North Carolina and the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services to offer an intensive 19-day EMT-Basic training. And what that means to anyone interested in securing their EMT-Basic credentials is that within three…


Student Profiles

Meet the Student: Gordon Harrison III

…If Gordon Harrison’s name sounds familiar to you, that likely means one of two things: You either know him personally or you’re a fan of the water sport known as wakeboarding. David “Gordon” Harrison (the third) recently graduated from one of our 19-Day ‘Intensive’ EMT-Basic training courses. And as you probably figured out by now,…

A young man smiling in front of a wooden fence.


The Three Bears: Part 3 — Decision Time for the Trailbike Rider

…Editor’s Note: Below is final part in Stephen Mullaney’s three-part series of essays about encounters with bears in the backcountry. The first essay in the series recants the shock Stephen experienced with one particular bear encounter, while the second essay in this series attempts to find humor in a persistent bear taking up quarters in an…

A bike is parked on a bridge over a river.


Why You Should Help Support Outdoor Education

…The novelist, essayist, playwright, poet, and social critic James Baldwin said it best when he wrote: “We are responsible for the world in which we find ourselves, if only because we are the only sentient force which can change it.” Those words guide us here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE)….

Staff Profiles

Get to Know Us: Julius McAdams, EMS Program Director

…Back in December of last year, we asked key NCOAE administrative and field staff to share some of the things for which they were most grateful. Those gratitude’s, as they’ve become to be known around here, comprised our year-ending blog post for 2018. And if you read that post, you may recall that today’s featured…

A group of people sitting on a picnic table in a wooded area.


How a Hotel Parking Could Lead to NCOAE Establishing a Pacific Northwest Location

…It’s not often that we derive inspiration while standing in the middle of an overcrowded parking lot, but for our co-founder and executive director Zac Adair, it was in just such an unlikely setting that the notion of opening a Pacific Northwest location for NCOAE took hold. This idea came to mind during a recent…

A mountain in the background.

Custom Programs

NCOAE Now Offers Custom Programs

…We’re not sure who said it first but the person who coined the phrase ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ really was onto something. Whether it’s in education, hats, management, or financial services, one size doesn’t fit all, and the same goes for your employee training and teambuilding. That’s why we’re pleased to announce the launch…

A black and white logo with a diamond in the middle.


It’s Official — NCOAE Receives AEE Accreditation!

…After years of hard work and preparation, we are pleased to share that we’ve been accredited by the Association for Experiential Education (AEE) — a Boulder, Colorado-based not-for-profit organization, with roots in adventure-based education, that exists to connect the global community of outdoor educators and expand our collective capacity to enrich lives through experiential education….

A green stamp with the word aee on it.

NCOAE Recommends

As Traditional Recycling Programs Disappear, NCOAE Seeks Alternatives

…It’s only been a year and a half since China put a halt to accepting the world’s recyclable waste products, yet the effects are being felt in many countries — and in turn, local municipalities — that are scrambling with the challenge of dealing with their own recyclables, including cans, plastics, papers, and glass. When…

A green recycling logo with the words reuse and recycle.


Wilderness Courses in the New Year: Fresh Beginnings, Adventures, and Trails

…Much like most educational institutions this past year, we find ourselves looking down the road toward new beginnings. And for us here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE), that means new wilderness courses, upgraded emergency medicine education courses, and more wilderness medicine education programs. Long before 2020 faded into the rearview,…

Noae in the new year's beginnings adventures and trails.

Teen Courses

NCOAE And The 20 Wilderness Areas You Have to See Before You Die

…The Wilderness Society — which is way up there near the top of the list for conservation organizations working to protect our nation’s shared wildlands — recently released its list of 20 wilderness areas to see before you die. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the nation’s Wilderness Act, which protects more than…

Joshua tree in joshua tree national park.


Inspiration Through a Journey of Exploration: Part One – Alex Hotchin

…This week we begin the first in a three-part series called “Inspiration Through Exploration” where we will see how gifted and novice travelers alike can document their adventures through artwork, photography, writings and other means. Today’s inspiration comes from Australian Alex Hotchin and her beautiful — and very unique maps. Next week, we will explore…

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NCOAE Recommends

Running as Exploration? Re-ignite Your Inner Beginner — Part 2

…Francis Bacon, the Renaissance statesman and philosopher best known for his promotion of the scientific method, is credited with the expression, “Knowledge is power.” But to those of us who prefer to see a world bathed in fresh new adventures, knowledge can actually be a curse. Here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure…

A person riding a mountain bike through the woods.

Working at NCOAE

Now Hiring Part-time EMT Course Instructors

…The economy is booming and we here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) find ourselves in the position of seeking a few part-time instructors. Specifically, we’re looking for instructors to supplement our expanding team of EMT professionals who teach courses at our North Carolina headquarters. Among the many courses we offer is…

Two men shaking hands in a classroom.

NCOAE Recommends

Success is Just Getting Out There: Re-ignite Your Inner Beginner – Part 3

…On a recent early morning bike ride along some local wooded trails, I happen to stumble upon the greatest of beginners: a group of children playing with rocks, moss, and whatever “loose parts” they could lay their hands on. I smile and ride right past them, unwilling to break the spell. But then I spot…

A smiling man in a white polo shirt.
A group of kids shooting a water hose from a raft.

Find Your Expedition

A person on a stretcher being pushed by an EMT into an NCOAE vehicle.

Find Your Training

A young boy hiking.

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