222 results for "NCOAE curriculum "

Outdoor Education

There’s a Reason Why Outdoor Ed is Not Club Med

…Zac Adair, our co-founder and executive director, recently asked one of our courseparticipants why they signed up for a particular outdoor adventure. “It was a photo thatappeared on your website of a guy on top of a mountaintop with the blue skies above theglaciers in the background.” Picture yourself here. It’s a common tactic in…

A dark stormy sky with trees in the foreground.

Outdoor Education

When it Comes to Wilderness, Is it an Adventure or Experience?

…Years ago, I was working in wilderness-based setting with a group of gang members who were attempting to break away from the often-violent lifestyle in which they found themselves. During a break our programming, I asked a loaded question. “Anybody want to tell me about their tattoos and what they mean?” The 30 or so…

A person holding a coffee mug with mountains in the background.

Wilderness Cooking

Backcountry Gourmet — Favorite Recipes from Our Field Staff

Here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) we like to take backcountry cooking to the next level, and that means teaching students how to prepare gourmet meals while on backcountry expeditions. Whether it’s starting your day with a hearty breakfast, making a quick lunch wrap on the run, or preparing a…

Outdoor Education

Trending: With Increased Participation Comes a Renewed Focus on Stewardship

…This is the last post in our four-part series on trends to be aware of in outdoor and adventure-based experiential education. In Part 1, we covered DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion). Part 2 focused on restorative practices. And Part 3 called attention to trauma-informed learning.  Here in Part 4, we’re wrapping up the series with…

The cover of best practices in outdoor and adventure-based experiential education.

Outdoor Education

Frazzled by Eco-anxiety? Find Respite in the Backcountry

…As you’ve probably heard or read, last month was the hottest June our planet has ever experienced — topping a prior record set in 2019. In fact, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, the nine hottest Junes ever occurred over the past nine years. In addition, extreme heat creates crispy conditions, and…

Climate impacts and health impacts.

Wilderness Medicine

What Is Wilderness Medicine?

…When it comes to wilderness medicine, theres so much more than tree branch splints. Explore the world of wilderness medicine with NCOAE!…

A group of people standing around in a wooded area.


Inspiration Through a Journey of Exploration: Part Two – Federico Cabrera

…Federico Cabrera is a dreamer. For years, he had dreams of becoming a National Geographic photographer. Taking photos in Africa was top of mind for 15 years as he toiled in foreign trade. But that nagging thought of grabbing up a camera and exploring the world finally prompted Federico to give up his successful career…

A man holds up a photo of his family.

NCOAE Recommends

Outdoor Activities Getting Stale? Re-ignite Your Inner Beginner

…They say you never forget your first kiss. And while that’s very sweet and sometimes even true, the point I’m going to attempt to make is this: If you’re an avid surfer, rock climber, or backcountry enthusiast, there are times when you look back on your first epic outdoor adventure. Sometimes it’s with a grin,…

A woman is standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Risk Management

Reducing Backcountry Risk Requires Planning and Assessment

…Here’s an outdoor educator’s nightmare: You’re walking through the woods and you spot a bunch of teens climbing barefoot on a rocky cliff leading to water. Other inexperienced campers clumsily tend a campfire that is about to get out of control. Still others in this group stand waist-deep in a river, oblivious to the fast-moving…

A hand measuring the word risk on a white background.

Backcountry Prep

Do it Yourself Part One: Denatured Alcohol Stove

…Visitors to our blog are going to react in one of two ways when they see an article with “Do it Yourself” in the headline. You’re either going to avert your eyes and try to find a less intimidating article. Or you’re going to greet this headline and subsequent instructions with enthusiasm and frenzied fervency….

Do it yourself part one - detonated alcohol stove.

Risk Management

What’s Your Plan if Your Wilderness Group Becomes Lost?

…In the 1997 film “The Edge,” starring Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin, the pair find themselves lost in the Alaskan wilderness following a plane crash. The Hopkins character tells the other man that most people who become lost in the wild die of shame. “They say, ‘What did I do wrong? How could I have…

A dark stormy sky with trees in the foreground.


Adapting Outdoor Education in the Time of Coronavirus

…Here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE), we’re known nationally and around the world for our consistency in producing highly impactful backcountry climbing, backpacking, kayaking and other outdoor adventures of an educational and team-focused nature. Our highly trained and experienced outdoor educators, field guides — along with our wilderness medicine and…

A blue cloth sitting on a log in the woods.

Education Without Walls

Vertex Railcar Steps Up Its Support of Wilmington Youth

…In ecology, “sustainability” refers to one’s capacity to endure. It’s how biological systems remain diverse and productive for very long periods of time. The notion of sustainability applies also to not-for-profit organizations, and in our case here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE), to our ability to attract and retain support…

Three people standing in front of a subaru suv.

Education Without Walls

What Good is The Warmth of Summer, Without The Cold of Winter to Give it Sweetness

…The heat index read 110-degrees. Clouds were building, preparing to light up the sky with electric current and release rain by the bucket loads. It was still summer, yet parents were starting to ask questions about school, course loads, teachers and materials needed to start the year. Year-round schools were already weeks into the fall…

Back to school blues - what is the good worth of summers without the cold of winter to give.


Plan Now To Attend Outdoor Education Conferences

…If you’re at all interested in a career in outdoor or adventure education and just don’t know where to start, we’re here to tell you that there are whole slew of outdoor education conferences that you can attend – and other things you can do right now – to improve your chance of being hired…

A group of people posing for a photo at a convention.

Outdoor Education Research

Summer Vacation: When the Real Education Begins

…The final bell has rung and children at public and private schools across the nation have cleaned out their lockers and headed out the doors and hopefully, outdoors. Some of these children are departing schools that rarely allow their students to get down and dirty in the outside world — such as Polaris Charter Academy…

Two children looking out of a window.

Experiential Education

Education Shouldn’t Stop Once We’ve Returned from the Trailhead

…Outdoor and adventure-based education programs are designed to take students out of their home environment and place them in outdoor settings where they can experience adventures — adventures that highlight challenges, the need for having empathy for others, as well as the need to develop characteristics that can result in a new generation of community…

A man walking down a trail with a backpack.

Outdoor Equipment

Making Sense of the New Norm in Outdoor Equipment

…When shopping for human-outdoor equipment, keeping up with the Joneses used to be the norm. New skis, boots, boards, kayaks, apparel, bikes, wetsuits and more. Whatever your sport or pursuit of choice, you had to have the latest technical outdoor gear, whether that be the freshest technology, the most wicked new design, or equipment that’s…

Backpacks in the back of a pickup truck.

NCOAE Recommends

7 Tips for Staying Sharp This Winter

…When it comes to staying connected with outdoor activities — even in the dead of winter — the important thing is to dig deep, don’t procrastinate, and most important, remain consistent. There’s an old expression that I just made up and it goes like this: You can’t stay full on yesterday’s hotdog. What does that…

Get me food i will love you to the couch and back.

Outdoor Education

A Photograph Is Seldom Worth Even One Outdoor Education Experience

…Here’s an exchange that recently occurred between a tourist and myself: “What kind of camera do you use?” “What?” “What kind of camera do you use to show people what you’ve done?” “I don’t,” I replied as I stepped onto the beach, board tucked under my arm, ready to paddle out to the surfline. The…

A young man taking a picture of a mountain.
A group of kids shooting a water hose from a raft.

Find Your Expedition

A person on a stretcher being pushed by an EMT into an NCOAE vehicle.

Find Your Training

A young boy hiking.

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