
2015 Holiday Hours and How To Make a Year-End Donation

Office Admin

December 23, 2015

Those of us who work here at The National Center for Outdoor & Adventure Education (NCOAE) are taking some time off for the holidays this week and next, and we’re also taking this last-chance of-the-year opportunity to seek donations, gifts and volunteer time from our partners and friends.

First, we want to tell you about our holiday schedule, which will see us closed this Thursday through Sunday (Dec. 24-Dec. 27), reopening to normal hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) on Monday, Dec. 28, through Wednesday, Dec. 30, and then a half-day schedule ( 8 a.m. to noon) on Thursday, Dec. 31. We will be closed on New Year’s Day and open up shop again on Monday, Jan. 4.

Next — and we are always enthusiastic about end-of-the-year donations — here are some actions you can take to help underserved youth this holiday season. In addition to that warm feeling you get from helping a very good cause, you should remember that NCOAE is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.

Here are some ways you can help us help others:

Make a Charitable Donation. Make a donation today and you can help us enroll a deserving youth in an upcoming Education Without Walls (EWW) program that’s been shown to improve one’s self-actualization, decision-making skills and esteem. Donate to EWW online today.

Make a Gift-in-Kind. We need new outdoor gear on a regular basis. Gear wears out. Our programs expand. We always need more equipment! Call us at (910) 399-8090 and let us tell you about our wish list.

Volunteer Your Expertise. Each of you possesses a unique set of skills and talents. Let’s have a conversation; tell us how you’d like to help. Call us today at (910) 399-8090.

Share our Message. Get the word out. Tell your friends and family about the good work we do here at NCOAE. Approach people who have a passion for education, the outdoors and helping people youth get head start on all that life has in store.

And again, from all of us at NCOAE, we wish for you a happy and safe holiday season. And get outside. It’s beautiful out there.

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